Dgrin Navigation 101

Even those with tons of experience with different forums and forum engines may feel slightly uncomfortable when joining a new online community.
Thousands of existing posts, hundreds of yet unfamiliar posters, each with different point of view, attitude, experience, ego, etc.
Here is how you can make your life a little bit easier, at least initially.
First of all, go to the top (click Digital Grin Photography Forum in the breadcrumbs section on top of this page) and mark everything read (navbar: Quick Links: Mark Forums Read). This will create a "clean slate". You can always get to any of that stuff later, but for now you want to start fresh.
Second, go to your Control Panel (navbar's leftmost item: You!), then select Edit Options from the menu bar on the left. Locate Messaging & Notification section, Default Thread Subscription Mode group and set the value to No email notification. If you want make some other changes while you're there - that's fine, just don't forget to click Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
This option will automatically subscribe you to any thread you start or post to. The advantage of this step is that you can easily access the threads you've participated in by using navbar Quick Links: Subscribed Threads command.
To make your life even easier, you can create a desktop or favorites shortcut on your PC and set it to:
This is all fine, but you probably haven't posted yet, so all those precautions were for the future. What to do now?
Well, the answer is pretty simple: use the navbar New Stuff command. It will bring you the threads that has changed since you've last visited them (or since you've marked them "read", as you did in Step One of this little tutorial). If you want to start DGrin in this mode rather than in your personal mode, simple create another shortcut and set it to:
Once you done all these simple steps, simply following your Subscribed Thread and New Stuff will let you quickly get on top of all the things that are going on. And if nothing draws your attention, it means it's time to read the archives - or get your camera, go get some shooting done and enter your work into the majestic Last Photographer Standing contest with the thousands and thousands of dollars worth of prizes:-)
Happy posting!
Thousands of existing posts, hundreds of yet unfamiliar posters, each with different point of view, attitude, experience, ego, etc.
Here is how you can make your life a little bit easier, at least initially.
First of all, go to the top (click Digital Grin Photography Forum in the breadcrumbs section on top of this page) and mark everything read (navbar: Quick Links: Mark Forums Read). This will create a "clean slate". You can always get to any of that stuff later, but for now you want to start fresh.
Second, go to your Control Panel (navbar's leftmost item: You!), then select Edit Options from the menu bar on the left. Locate Messaging & Notification section, Default Thread Subscription Mode group and set the value to No email notification. If you want make some other changes while you're there - that's fine, just don't forget to click Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
This option will automatically subscribe you to any thread you start or post to. The advantage of this step is that you can easily access the threads you've participated in by using navbar Quick Links: Subscribed Threads command.
To make your life even easier, you can create a desktop or favorites shortcut on your PC and set it to:
http://www.dgrin.com/subscription.phpThis way you can always launch DGrin in this your very own highly personal mode.
This is all fine, but you probably haven't posted yet, so all those precautions were for the future. What to do now?
Well, the answer is pretty simple: use the navbar New Stuff command. It will bring you the threads that has changed since you've last visited them (or since you've marked them "read", as you did in Step One of this little tutorial). If you want to start DGrin in this mode rather than in your personal mode, simple create another shortcut and set it to:
http://www.dgrin.com/search.php?do=getnew&exclude=12,25,31,35(and if you're geeky enough, you can exclude the "exclude" part:-)
Once you done all these simple steps, simply following your Subscribed Thread and New Stuff will let you quickly get on top of all the things that are going on. And if nothing draws your attention, it means it's time to read the archives - or get your camera, go get some shooting done and enter your work into the majestic Last Photographer Standing contest with the thousands and thousands of dollars worth of prizes:-)
Happy posting!
"May the f/stop be with you!"