My image for steam

Had a bit of a problem with color and density with this image due to the difference between an lcd(or plasma not sure what the laptop is) and a crt monitor. Had to compromise for the final entry between the two results. What do you think? Can you tell the difference? THX Dizzy

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Second will be entered.
Art Gallery
Art Gallery
Thanks, this image has the longest set up time of any yet. Can I ask what type of monitor you are looking at it with? Just trying to get a grip on it, as we are looking at getting me a new monitor in the future. THX again - dizzy
Art Gallery
Yeah, that was the problem. On my husband's laptop the steam is pretty blown out, which wasn't what I was looking for and on my pc monitor it is non-existant. Very strange, that. Any ideas on how to compensate for the differences? Outside of not doing anymore steam pix?
Art Gallery
Great submission. Good Luck!