Embedded Exif
Is there a way to embed EXIF info in the inline images link? I know it works in the original size but how about in small or medium. I use the link in Dpreview forums and EXIF is important to them. For example http://snook.smugmug.com/photos/14830699-M.jpg
has no EXIF info. I've searched here for this answer but haven't found it yet.
has no EXIF info. I've searched here for this answer but haven't found it yet.
It would be quite an undertaking to go back to all 14,000,000 images, scour the originals for exif metadata, and re-make the display copies...
In a recent thread I was asked to post the exif info for my images. I ended up navigating to the shots in my gallery, opening the exif, copying/pasting into the thread, formatting. It was a pain in the butt.
Copying the link directly to the exif doesn't work, since it's a javascript. Is there a way for me to provide the link? Or better yet imbed it in the image as a hypertext link? So that when you click on the image you get the exif (as displayed in the "More info abou this shot" page."?
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DavidTO felt the pain recently, when I asked him to go back and post the EXIF data. Life could be so much easier, even with a way to include a link to the EXIF data for an image.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Nice suggestion, I would use it, too:-)
Having a link to the EXIF data is a great idea. Consider it done (cuz I just did it).
No idea when the next feature release will happen, but it'll be in there. You'll find it on the actual EXIF page - the "Photograph Details" text at the top is now a link that you can right-click and copy to your heart's delight.
Nice work guys!
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I wish MY wishes (esp. API-related:-) were completed at such a pace:-)
Great job, Don!
Thanks for being so quick to help with the EXIF data. I'm baffled however on how to use it. My "Picture Details" is not a link. I thought maybe it only works on newly added pics but that didn't help. How do I get at this link?
I think what he's saying is the work is done, and the next time they release new features it'll be one of them. But until the next release, you can't access it.
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"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Thanks, guess I was too anxious and didn't read closely.