Uploading problems
I seem to be experiencing uploading woes.
I've tried Smugmug browser, java uploader and SendtoSmugmug all without success.
I've done several TraceRT's and all are fine and there a no reported problems on my ISP.
Any problems at your end?
I've tried Smugmug browser, java uploader and SendtoSmugmug all without success.
I've done several TraceRT's and all are fine and there a no reported problems on my ISP.
Any problems at your end?
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If I'm using the "Send to Smugmug" that is a .Net app so that wouldn't be affected by the Java update.
I've just tried unversal D&D and Send to Smugmug and still no joy.
Is there a particluar port that I should check my firewall isn't blocking? (though nothing's changed AFAIK since I lasted uploaded some pics)
The only thing that's "New" since my last successful upload is that I've installed Smugbrowser.
How very odd.
Oh bummer!
All is well...um...now...um...
Some really, really, really stupid person who deserves to be slapped with a wet fish, ticked the "drop non-html traffic from port 80" check box from the router setup.
Don't worry, we will punish Andy severely for not diagnosing this problem immediately. Do you have another fish we can borrow? <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif" border="0" alt="" >
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