Submit your entries *early*

The contests will be closing on time with no exceptions. So, if you really want your photo to make it, post it early. Waiting to the last minute, as some are finding out, is frought with risk and danger. Although if you enjoy that kind of danger, then by all means enjoy and have a great time. We won't be trying to take away your fun hehehe.
Post em early
Post em early

Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I doubt I'm the only one that totally missed the fact that the new LPS contest closes at *midnight* instead of *noon* as the old photo challenges did!
Guess we should all
only because I wanted to wait until the last few
hours to submit my photo. I really wished someone
would've pointed my nose to it ... I guess it pays
off to rtfm. :cry
― Edward Weston
I know and you are right! For me the change from 12:00 pm to 12:01
am was just too subtle to notice (its only a change in 2 letters) since
I was so much used to the old challenge time. But I'm getting ready for
Challenge 2 now
― Edward Weston
So my suggestion would be to switch to US Army / European time with 24 hours like a day really has.
Hasta luego,
SmugMug Support Hero
It's there... see the refenece to GMT in the rules?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I updated the rules to be even more most clearerest