If only Stately or Humble had been #1
As soon as I saw that contest #2 would be stately or humble, I immediately thought of this picture I ook of my 3-year old daughter. Unfortunately I took this picture last week. Oh well.

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
It's funny. As I read your post, all I could see was Lincoln, and I was thinking, are you serious, that's too cliche. But, as soon as I scrolled down and saw your daughter, you had me. It's perfect, if not well timed.
We just got back from a family trip to Maryland, Virginia, and DC to visit my siter-in-law in Norfolk, VA. The last day the trip we went in Washington. The one thing I wanted to see in Washington was the Lincoln Memorial.I couldn't believe I was able to get a picture of my daughter alone next to the memorial with the 100s of people around.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
and I'm in San Francisco.
Neat shot
I agree and I also think that each of the Qualifying Contests will be as difficult as the other but that's the beauty of this competition, it will really help me grow as a photographer no matter what my level of expertise is.
I'm now a beginner at this photography stuff and am reasonably sure that I will not win a contest, but am determined to join in each of the contests as it is really helping me grow in my photography and skill level, probably more than anything else that I am reading or doing at the moment. That's why I love this competition.
The fact that the contests are open to interpretation and so far have combined opposite topics is really getting my creative juices flowing. My aim of joining this competition is to be able to become a better photographer with a keener eye for detail and a more imaginative mind.
Who knows, one day in a few years I may even be able to win a contest
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You're not alone. I'm having trouble coming up with something. Well, I've got 13 more days to dream up a fitting idea and shoot it (like that helps, I had 14 days on Chilled WITH an idea I still couldn't pull off in time....)
Fantastic photo, Andrew. Plus your little girl is adorable. So many thoughts are conjured up by this scene though. Politics aside (thank God!), this photo should give most American's a lump in their throat as it symbolizes so much-- hope, youth, the future, our history, morals, leadership, wisdom, thoughtfulness...the list goes on. Such a tiny person in front of an otherwise huge statue! Thank you for sharing it despite it being "ahead of its time."
Just one thought, look to the extremes of things....using Andrew's photo as an example, the photo of lincoln would have fallen flat on its face if that is all it had...but in this case the smallness of his daughter is in stark contast to the huge statue. Something else that came to mind is finding a "stately" presence in an otherwise humble thing-- to me, that is where the good shot is. There is a member/photographer on here who I think has an inate ability to find stately in humble-- Awais. More specifically, his shots of people on the streets of his city was stunning. Take a look some time: http://awais.smugmug.com/
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
Lincoln, automatically categorized under Stately. However, the designers of the memorial put a lot of thought into this statue to represent what Lincoln was known for. He had an awesome presence of representing American resolve and power. This is conveyed by his clinched fist. He was also known for his genuine compassion and humility for human liberties and freedoms. This is represented by the opposite, relaxed hand.
The cute kid in the photo. I would be hard pressed if a seasoned pro can instruct a natural child model to pose better. There is a lot to how she is standing. She is little, she looks sort of intimidated and awe-struck, but also composed by having her hands clapsed behind her back...showing a very polite and stately manner.
Anyway, that's what I got out of it.
Great image.
I wanted to get a shot of my daughter at this memorial, and I am still suprised that I was able to get one shot with her and all of Lincoln without anyone else in the pictures (there are at least 4 other pictures with people walking in front of the camera).
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange