Is L Glass Worth It?

It's so expensive. So really really expensive, I have always had to ask myself is it really worth the investment. Then all of the sudden I went from being the backup to the primary sports photographer at an all weekend event. I've never shot action before, I've never owned L before this glass. I have never gotten shots like these either. This is bad, now I won't be able to get enough. I know these prolly aren't the best, and I'm sure with practice and a faster body I'd be able to do even better. But what do you think of these for a first time sports shooter, first time L owner (70-200mm 2.8 non-is), and a 20D? Comments please.

Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
These are great.
Wonderful exposure, clarity and stop action.
Next step is learning the sport well enough to anticipate what the action will be so that you might event hink about composition (I'm not there yet!).
The addage, shoot tight, crop tighter usually works, but then so does the cardinal rule not to turn your subject into an amputee at a joint.
Good, very good, work!
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That and I have a crapload more photos that aren't cropped but due to the limited fabric on cheerleader uniforms, I'm just personally not comfortable posting them on the internet even if they are technically great. I was trying to restrict myself to only posting photos of the girls in mid air (except for the last one cause of her expression) without posting photos that for lack of a more tastefull way of saying it, where crotch shots. Needless to say if I ever have a daughter she is joining the football team, not the cheerleaders.