Newbie needs Canon lens help
Hello to all. I enjoy these forums here so much I decided to stop lurking and ask the experts.
As on old film addict I have tons of fd lenses, some of which are long L's. I joined the digital world with a 300d and am getting ready to soon upgrade to a 30d or 5d.
My question is about fd to eos adapters. I understand that these adapters have to have glass in them to focus to infinity and that the glass can degrade the original image quality of the given lens. Does anyone have any experiance here? I have 2 mombo fd L's and it would be hard on the pocket to replace them with eos!
Any experiance or advice is welcome!
As on old film addict I have tons of fd lenses, some of which are long L's. I joined the digital world with a 300d and am getting ready to soon upgrade to a 30d or 5d.
My question is about fd to eos adapters. I understand that these adapters have to have glass in them to focus to infinity and that the glass can degrade the original image quality of the given lens. Does anyone have any experiance here? I have 2 mombo fd L's and it would be hard on the pocket to replace them with eos!
Any experiance or advice is welcome!
We had a good discussion here:
If you have one of the great long telephoto lenses, it may be possible to build an adapter that replaces the section of the lens barrel just before the mount, effectively creating a new mount. It's not easy or cheap, and you wind up with a "preset" type of aperture control as well as manual focus (of course).
Otherwise, the adapters are still available (link in previous thread above), and the cost is pretty low, so you might want to try one to see if it works for you.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
We never know how something we say, do, or think today, will effect the lives of millions tomorrow....BJ Palmer
Thank you for the welcome and the info!
Thank you for the info!