Smugmug scammer - someone is presenting my stuff as theirs...

I was checking my Google Analytics traffic reports (for my business site and I saw traffic from a coming back to my site. Well I when I go to that site, some guy has copied my site content and is presenting it as his own!
Strangley enough he links back to my galleries. He stole my old header graphic but changed the phone number to his own and changed the email address so it point to him ( instead of me!
Someone please shut this guy down ASAP! This guy should be permanently banned from getting service from Smugmug.
Strangley enough he links back to my galleries. He stole my old header graphic but changed the phone number to his own and changed the email address so it point to him ( instead of me!
Someone please shut this guy down ASAP! This guy should be permanently banned from getting service from Smugmug.
Let me investigate, back to you shortly.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I spoke by phone to the other party. He hired a "consultant" to do his site, and the consultant just ended up copying and pasting etc.. it's all an honest mistake (a dumb one, but honest nonetheless).
I've nuked his customization and your links etc are gone from his site.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I appreciate the quick action Andy. But geez, give me a break, does this guy think we're idiots? Seriously. The site had galleries and images that weren't his! All the content was specific to my business. If what he says were true, he's got half a brain because all of the work was mine. As a Photographer, wouldn't you wonder why somebody elses pictures were on your web site? It was just a lie to pacify the situation.
Thanks anyways.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Nah all my stuff is gone off the site. Thanks. I'm a little hot under the collar about this (as you can tell) so thanks again for the quick response.
Ok, time for a latte!
Take Care.