Lps #2 Feedback Please!

Ok, I've decided not to bang my head against the wall for this challenge, but to get out and start shooting something.......anything! So here is my first (but maybe not my last) attempt. I would appreciate feedback, as my PS skills aren't the best! 


Whats the widest lens you have ?
I agree with Gus... good start though...:D
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
This is a tricky shot to accomplish....great for you getting out there and shooting. I've been looking at this trying to think of angle, perspective, vantage point, etc. but not being there makes it kind of tough for suggestions as there are prolly lots of distractions around. If possible, say reshooting this tree, I'd be inclined to get that shot at daybreak or sunset with some color in the sky.....kind of difficult to acheive as the shot is straight up but I think color & contrast will make a shot more effective. Sorry, not much help here.....going shooting today as well.....good luck.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
Tuff shot, without lying flat on your back... you could try standing close to the tree with your back to it then tilt your head back and kind of lean and arch back... and shoot straight up that way, adjusting by tilting your camera... I would think you would want the trunk filling the bottom of the frame... this might work well if the tree is tall enough and you are flexable enough
I can create an example with your shot if you want me to...
I agree with the others.. Nice start, but not there yet.
Including the base of the tree could help a lot.
Something in this direction maybe (pardon the quality, it's an unprocessed version):
And no, I'm not gonna back to Sequoia NP for retake :-)
Thanks for the ideas, Winston....they gave me a good chuckle knowing how 'dizzy' I am (and not very flexible either), the idea of striking that pose and attempting to look through a lens cracks me up. But.....I have some other ideas I may attempt!
Thanks, Nik....I didn't get the base as I was trying to eliminate surrounding objects I didn't want in the shot...and at the same time trying not to center the tree too much. I did attempt some shots similar to what you posted....I laughed later as the wide angle of the lens managed to capture my head (upside down, of course) in the frame! Some very odd self-portraits are arising out of this first attempt!
#1 (original post)
#2 ( a better composition, I think (but darn, I lose some clouds!)....
#3 This one goes with the title of the thread which I'm already locked into, I guess. It is a cemetary tree and does sort of seem to be a sentinel over the graves. It's hard to capture the hugeness of these trees! I realize the horizon it tilted, but the tree was leaning so badly, I compromised and tilted the horizon.
What a cool looking tree!!
I agree. And if you can't fit in one shot, take a couple and make a pano in CS3 (or whatever your favorite stitching app is)
I need to remember that in the future!