
Today at 13:30GMT an unprecedented memorial ceremony will take place at the site of the extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland). Exactly 60 years ago today the Red-Army marched into the camp marking the beginning of the end of the Nazi murder regime exemplified in the following:

In July 2004 I was there. Words cannot describe the horrors that become so vivid as you quietly walk the gravel paths between barracks, gas chambers and crematoriums – the quiet and sanctity amplify the sound of our feet and our steps.
Tears were difficult to hold back at an exhibition of personal photographs confiscated from inmates upon their arrival to the camp.

These have been shown before but for anyone interested – photos from Auschwitz and the full travel journal of my expedition to discovery.
“Never again!”

(the picture doesn't show, so I'll include the url only
Imagine that this is is but a small part of the entire camp where, during the war, at one time there were 250.000 people gathered, like sheep in small penns.. It is so sad and overwhelming to be there.... :cry
Michiel de Brieder