the last one is a really good shot of a workman's hands.
It doesn't come across as humble though, without knowing the theme of the contest, that wouldn't be the first word that came into my head. I'd still enter it though, you never know what the judges will look for.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Adrian
my stuff is here.....
Humble? Not sure, not for me, that is.
Most of those images (except the one with the cat) just say "manual labor". The one with the cat says 'b/w image of the cat in the window", that's about it...
But the panel may and most likely will have a different opinion.
Thanks for your feedback, im not sure that I get what humble is or how to take a photo of it, so googled and got Humble: not proud or bold. Low in rank or position which i guess was where i was going with the workman hands. Also wanted to try to get a birth photo (maybe horse or cow) and use phrase "A Humble birth in no hinderance to greatness" David O McKay but the cows and horses near our house probably won't cooperate and give birth this weekend but if anyone else would like to use the idea they are welcome to it.
thanks didnt consider the watch im only new at this, ive only had my camera two weeks
It doesn't come across as humble though, without knowing the theme of the contest, that wouldn't be the first word that came into my head. I'd still enter it though, you never know what the judges will look for.
my stuff is here.....
First of all: welcome, and good shooting!
Humble? Not sure, not for me, that is.
Most of those images (except the one with the cat) just say "manual labor".
But the panel may and most likely will have a different opinion. The Photo Section