posting a pic and embedding the exif from smugmug

if you want to see the exif for this image, simply click on it...

and here's the commands that you need (i've put * in front of the commands so you can see how the commands look. for real-life application, you must not put an asterisk
[*url=*] [*img][*/img] [*/url]
the first part, after the url command, is the link to your exif data.
you must have "photo details" enabled (in customize gallery setup) for the gallery.. then simply click on "exif" (underneath your photo)

and you see the link popup with your exif. on the top of this exif window, there's a hyperlink for "Photograph Details" ... simply right click on that,
select copy to your clipboard, or "copy link" and then paste into the message window.

that's all there is to it

and here's the commands that you need (i've put * in front of the commands so you can see how the commands look. for real-life application, you must not put an asterisk

[*url=*] [*img][*/img] [*/url]
the first part, after the url command, is the link to your exif data.
you must have "photo details" enabled (in customize gallery setup) for the gallery.. then simply click on "exif" (underneath your photo)

and you see the link popup with your exif. on the top of this exif window, there's a hyperlink for "Photograph Details" ... simply right click on that,
select copy to your clipboard, or "copy link" and then paste into the message window.

that's all there is to it

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Note that those commands are specific only to vBulletin-based forums, like dgrin. If you want to do the same thing at dpreview, on your own website, or anything else, you'll have to discover the equivalent commands.
If they support HTML, it's very easy:
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0 /></a>
If not, you'll have to figure out what their specific software wants, but the important bits are:
(don't get me started on why the vBulletin people and everyone else had to re-invent the wheel and come up with a hundred different ways of doing the same thing that HTML already does. Duh).
sadly, phil over a dpreview has blocked any and all html from his message forum softwawre. so you must do it via plain links as in your example 2.
thanks don!
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"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
Web site
thanks kent. bump, some new how-to pics added.
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Beautiful, thanks. The HTML works like a charm on Blog*Spot.
Photo of the Day:
Location-enabled and interactive!
thanx Andy,
i did it, i finally embedded the exif data....
been working on this for over three hours!!!!
idiots unite,
Camera Info is what it says now - apologies for the confusion! Turn it "on" in gallery settings>customize gallery
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And if you've used "save as" and not "save for web" you'll have camera info available underneath your photo
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Could you please describe your workflow in post? Software, and exactly the steps you are using to save your files. I just loaded into a private gallery on your site, a small file with exif intact.. you can see the exif button
Let's get to the bottom of this...
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I shoot RAW, make some adjustments in PS RAW mode before taking into regular PS window making any final adustments, then 'save as' jpeg.
If I take that jpeg and look at the file info in PS, its all there.
I apreciate the help greatly
the last shot shows the exif in your gallery fine. The penultimate shot, does not. Very strange. Please be very specific when describing your steps - *exactly* what commands, menus, boxes, etc are you choosing
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I just went through several galleries and this seems to play out. Photos that I shot in RAW and converted to jpeg don't show exif and photos that I shot in jpeg do. What I cant figure out is the file info is there if I look at them in PS.
What's your *exact* raw conversion process - steps?
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* caution newbie at work*
You can also directly embed:
copy the url from pbase, put the .jpg at the end, and sandwich it inbetween
There's an automated way to do it, with the forum editing software, you can read about that by clicking the link in my sig.
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lets try another , but im loading from my Pc , data should be imbedded, so someone will have to tell me If they can pull it off the photos. I dont have a gallery here. I have a pbase site that shows the exif automatically , should I also post it there and put a link to the photo and exif?
you're doing fine! don't change a thing.
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I got as far as "copy link"
which window do I paste the link into?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I'm wondering the same thing.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
The messagew window here on Dgrin
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Does Firefox have a problem with this? I click on your Demo pic and some of the others in this thread and get nothing.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Nope. Check your FF setting, stormdancing. Clear cache and cookies, sometimes works. Extentions, if you are running any, can b0rk things, too sometimes
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