These images are titled 'Humbled by Fire' (1 and 2); any thoughts?
Do you need to know the story (Stately Home destroyed by fire in 1937) to understand the pictures, or does the title do the job (did you get a 'humbled' feeling)?
C & C welcome. If the subject is OK but the images not working, I probably have one chance left to reshoot.

Do you need to know the story (Stately Home destroyed by fire in 1937) to understand the pictures, or does the title do the job (did you get a 'humbled' feeling)?
C & C welcome. If the subject is OK but the images not working, I probably have one chance left to reshoot.


Comments The Photo Section
Thanks for the comment. Maybe it's not been humbled enough
I love the shots. I see humbled, if I think about it. I feel very sad looking at them - what a shame, looks like it used to be a beautiful bulding... and hey, isn't that what these are suppose to do, make you feel something?
I am SOOOO envious of you living in the UK for this theme. I lived in Essex for 12 years, but moved back to the States about five years ago. I've had so many ideas for Stately (not in Essex mind, but definitely London, but each one would have required a quick jaunt across the ocean
Good Luck!
PS. I think #1 has a really good feel to it - very moody.
Thanks! I'm struggling to come up with an alternative, so I think one of these is the most likely. I love Witley Court and could happily spend a day wandering around looking at what's left, wondering what might have been.
As I mentioned earlier, I think this has a great potential.
All you need is to find a right light/angle
I don't know if it's the B&W treatment or the image size, but I am having trouble seeing the fire damage. Would it work better in colour?
I also would have liked just a tad more room on each side of the image. As it is now I feel as if it was cropped too tightly.
I'm nitpicking of course. I think #1 titled "Humbled by fire" would make a great entry. (I would have loved to have taken the shot myself.
As is, it is a serious contender. I just think it needs just a bit more of something to make it a winning entry.
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I'm hoping to go back on Friday to shoot a few more angles, if the weather holds out.
The original of number one has a wider crop, but I lost this when I straightened out the perspective.
I think I have my subject, now I just need to shoot it right!