Well, I'm just savvy enought to be able to log into the webdav version of smugmug. Not sure what to do with it, though. I opened one of my images remotely. That was cool.
Anyone have any ideas about how this could be really useful?
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Glad someone found it.
In it's current form (ie, READ ONLY), it's mainly intended as an easy backup method. Select the folder(s) you want, and copy them to your local drive. Boom, instant local backup.
Especially useful if you lost your local copy of your files to a HD crash or something.
Once it's not read-only, though, it could be an easy bulk-uploading method as well as an organization and album/category/subcategory creation tool. We'll get there.
Do I get a prize?
Very cool. Won't it be exceptionally easy to screw things up when bulk-uploading or messing with the organization?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Is it correct, that downloading stuff over the dav-engine does not create traffic in my statistics? Would be great if I need a big chunk of originals one day, but I don't hope this will be necessary.
Also found a bug: Categories containing galleries with special characters (+,ü,ö,ä etc.) can't be viewed...there's an unknown error.
I am really happy to have this feature! In combination with the copy feature it's like christmas again!
Thanks for your outstanding work! I like such suprises
Best whishes to the smugmug team,
SmugMug Support Hero
Can't find it.. :-(
Probably a sign of a permanent brain damage..
Hints/directions, please?
nevermind, found it: http://www.smugmug.com/hack/webdav-overview
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Wicked timing, man- split second after I found it myself:-)
Good job, Don!
Not if I write it correctly. I suppose it's possible someone will end up with photos in the wrong place, but that can easily happen with the current tools.
As long as no photos get *lost*, I'll consider it to be a success.
So no prize, eh?
Darn. I thought I mighta finally won something.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Then someone sat down beside us and got all passionate about webdav and onethumb started thinking, "hmmmm...."
I can get a list of the category folders but any attempt to open one results in the error message "The current operation cannot be completed because an unexpected error has occurred".
Where do I enter my Smugmug login details to get access to my account?
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
When you create the network connection, it should popup a window asking for a login & password.
Simply enter your smugmug login info (email and password), and it should work fine.
If it doesn't, you may have found a bug. This is pretty rough software at this point, so it might be buggy. I'm not having any problems, but that doesn't mean you won't.
Photographer and Mom of Four!
Isn't it so, that the build-in DAV-Tool from Win2000/XP uses the IE to access the data?! Then this would be logical, wouldn't it?
SmugMug Support Hero
That is what I would have expected, but no! :uhoh
I normally use Firefox, so just checked that IE has my Smugmug details and the problem is still there :cry
I guess I'll just have to wait, or perhaps dig a bit deeper
Thanks anyway,
No, it doesn't use IE's data.
Might want to delete the Network Connection you built from smugmug and start over.
I've done this on a bunch of machines now, and they all pop up a dialog box asking for the username/password. If yours doesn't, it might be some obscure setting somewhere that I don't know of, but I haven't seen it on Windows or the Mac.
Note that no-one has tried it on Win2K, that I know of, just WinXP.
I'm running XP Home with Norton Internet Security firewall enabled and Windows firewall disabled.
I download this MS update and it works a treat - without ever prompting for a password
What so ever...I'm just happy that it works and even though I'm using Win2000.
SmugMug Support Hero
Installed the MS Update.
Rebooted PC.
Installed new network connection.
Did NOT get a popup screen for username & password.
When I connect I get a folder with a list of categories. If I double click a category under which I do NOT have any photos, an empty folder opens.
If I double click a category under which I DO have photos I get - Documents in this folder are not available. The folder may have been moved or deleted, or network problems may be preventing a connection to the server.
Windows XP Professional Version 2002, Service Pack 2
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Try a few other categories, some of mine return an error as yours do, others come up empty (when they are not) and I have a gallery appearing where it shouldn't (although it also appears correctly where it really is!).
I have recently been re-organising some categories, sub-categories and galleries, is there perhaps a caching problem?
Looks like there may be a bit more to be done to the underlying code
Looks good though, good work all concerned,
I've done some testing on the login prompt issue. I found that when I am logged in to smugmug on IE, when I create the webdav connection (windows xp) it does not prompt for a password.
I log out of smugmug in IE and I get prompted. I havn't tried to see what happens to an existing connection when logged out.
I have access to two accounts, mine and my mothers, and I tried this with both. When logged in as her, i get her account through webdav, when logged in as me, i get my account.
Onethumb, in my experiences with webdav, there should be a way to have the address you log in to include the username so that it is something like:
instead of:
I would much prefer something like that before write access is allowed.
Also, for windows xp users, if you want to use multiple accounts and arn't getting prompted for a password, there is a program called WebDrive that manages webdav connections.
For OSX, a program called Goliath does the same thing, and i think it uses SSL, unlike the OSX method mentioned on smugmug.
FWIW, firefox has no effect on this.
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Hi All,
Here's how you do the login without having to worry about the login prompt...
Now, with the , you need to replace the [email="'@';"]'@'[/email] with '@' (the HTML ascii equivalent)
so, here's an example...
Note: you will have to hover over the links to see the full url
Hope this helps,
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Also note that an undocumented 'trick' is that smugmug allows you to use your NickName as your username, not just your Email. So you don't need the @ at all, if you're clever.
This works for smugDAV too.
Also, some Categories repeatedly give the error message:
"Documents in this folder are not available. The folder may have been removed or deleted, or network problems may be preventing a connection to the server"
Any clues as to what is going on? I can access the Category and photos in the conventional manner so know they are still there!