Help: Clicking on a photo goes out of screen
I launched my website on Monday and I've been getting feedback from several viewers/users.
This is the issue they are having: When they click on a photo to view a larger size, it goes out of their screen the first time. Clicking the same photo a second time makes the photo fit the screen. Please try it out with this example:
It happens to all screen sizes and all photos. How can I fix this problem or advise them? Help!
This is the issue they are having: When they click on a photo to view a larger size, it goes out of their screen the first time. Clicking the same photo a second time makes the photo fit the screen. Please try it out with this example:
It happens to all screen sizes and all photos. How can I fix this problem or advise them? Help!
Wow, your customization and photos are beautiful.
Can you explain what you mean by out of screen? What I'm seeing is:
Which is the way the site is designed. The photo gets pulled front and center and the rest gets dimmed so the clicked-on photo becomes the center of attention.
Let us know if you see something else.
Thanks for the reply and compliments.
I have a screen print of the issue but how do I show it here?
Instead, I posted a pdf file here. As you can see the top portion is outside of the screen. There is no right bar to scroll either.
What could have caused this?
Also, please tell us what browser and version you are using, thanks.
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Attached. Please download. Thanks.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Firefox 1.0 & 2.0 - are these ok?
Also, please tell me if you see the same behavior here:
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Yes, I see the same behavior on both Firefox and IE on different computers.
I checked your test site. Verdict: No problem what so ever. I clicked on each picture the first time. I even deliberately had the picture scrolled until it was almost out of the screen and then click to enlarge. The picture centered itself perfectly.
What could be the proble with my site?
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.Contact & Guestbook #galleryTitle {
display: none;
.Weddings #galleryTitle {
display: none;
.Portraits #galleryTitle {
display: none;
.Architecture #galleryTitle {
display: none;
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You know for the most part, I just use the FAQ help and copy the stuff to my CSS window. I think that was to remove the words 'gallery 1' or 'page 1' or something to that effect.
If you noticed it is those pages which display the photos immediately.
I might be all wrong though. So please advise.
Looks wise, I'm happy with it right now. Code wise I have no idea although I'm starting to learn a little from examples.
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Just wanted to be sure because I could not find them.
I just test the site and unfortunately yes the issue is still existing. Curious, are you guys experiencing the same thing?
One more data point to go along with others. I can't reproduce the problem you are describing in either Firefox or IE 7. Hopefully this means it isn't happening to your viewers.
This is a shot-in-the-dark, but the simplest thing I know of to try is to do a forced page reload with Shift-Reload. Each smugmug page is actually made from a bunch of different files (style sheet files, javascript files, etc...). It is occasionally possible to get a set of mismatched files in your cache for some unknown reasons. Clearing out the cache can heal this problem if Shift-reload (hold down the shift key while you click the reload button) is the fastest way to try to force the page to get reloaded.
If that doesn't do anything, then try clearing your cache (both memory and disk), shut down the computer, then restart and see if anything has changed.
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No change to the problem. I still get the photos showing outside of the frame
OK let's go on to the next thing:
are you running any special software in the form of firewalls, popup blocking, adblocking, extensions, add-ons, etc.
Please also try this on another computer. As we have been saying, we can't replicate.
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If it is still the same can I put my javascript back? Some things are missing as a result of taking it out.
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I'll put the java code back. BTW - I got all those Javascript codes from the Smugmug FAQ site.
So far I tested it on 5 computers. Two computers exhibit the same problem. The other 3 seem to be ok.
Very weird!
I'll check back in the morning. Its about 6pm HST now.
Can you check this: Does it make a difference whether you visit or ? & smugmug
Good thing I saved it somewhere! Wheew! It would be a chore to go through FAQ again.
I'm going to put it back now.