Pricing some pics!
Hi All,
I was hoping that you could assist me!
For the past year or two, I have been taking a good number of pictures throughout the area. This week I contacted a new magazine (on issue #2) that has been released - a new glossy magazine that covers the (Seattle) area. I wanted to see they would be interested in my pictures.
I received a message back asking how they can get the hi-res version - my question, not being a pro (quite yet!), should I request compensation? Personally, I am not looking at this to be a full time gig, but it would be nice to be rewarded for some nice shots!
Currently the pics are on Smugmug (Pro Acct) and I am going to set the pricing for hi-res downloads (personal or commercial use licenses).
Any recommendations on setting the pricing? It would be cool to get the exposure with credits, but nice also to recover costs of hobby (to buy new stuff!). Should I ask for comp, should it be $1, 5, 10 a pic or go for some just photo credits/referrals? I don't necessarily want to give away hi-res downloads either ...
Any ideas, let me know - the company is small, about 15 people but they produce a number of local magazines (nice quality, high gloss decorating, landscape, etc).
Thanks for your advice!
I was hoping that you could assist me!
For the past year or two, I have been taking a good number of pictures throughout the area. This week I contacted a new magazine (on issue #2) that has been released - a new glossy magazine that covers the (Seattle) area. I wanted to see they would be interested in my pictures.
I received a message back asking how they can get the hi-res version - my question, not being a pro (quite yet!), should I request compensation? Personally, I am not looking at this to be a full time gig, but it would be nice to be rewarded for some nice shots!
Currently the pics are on Smugmug (Pro Acct) and I am going to set the pricing for hi-res downloads (personal or commercial use licenses).
Any recommendations on setting the pricing? It would be cool to get the exposure with credits, but nice also to recover costs of hobby (to buy new stuff!). Should I ask for comp, should it be $1, 5, 10 a pic or go for some just photo credits/referrals? I don't necessarily want to give away hi-res downloads either ...
Any ideas, let me know - the company is small, about 15 people but they produce a number of local magazines (nice quality, high gloss decorating, landscape, etc).
Thanks for your advice!
Have included in the contract if the photo will allowed to be used just the one time, more than once. Will they have exclusive use of it (not recommended, especially for a small magazine), non-exclusive?
And check out this website:
It should give you a rough idea.
Good Luck and Congratulations on your start!
Just to follow up on this original thread on setting prices ... this is something i am working on these days.
I would consider myself in the amateur category more than pro - most of the pictures I have are local - scenic, construction (16 development projects in a 1 square mile in this city), and other local sites.
Recently, I have had a diverse interest in my photos ...
1) Paramedic from doing a presentation on crane rescue seeking pictures I have of a crane accident. Seeking digital downloads for PowerPoint presentation.
2) New Local (High Gloss) magazine dedicated to local area - they are on Issue #2. Also interest from some small local papers.
3) Non-profit association - this is a downtown association that is having an interview with their president televised on a public access channel. They would like to use pictures to illustrate growth/changes in the city. In the past, they have never sought photos only hired a photographer for larger events - i.e. fourth of july celebration, etc.
At this point, I would like credits and to drive people toward my site although I anticipate that organizations will be more interested in my work.
Any recommendations on establishing pricing? Especially since these are primarily for commercial license downloads - what is reasonable, what isn't reasonable!
About half of my pics are 'opportunity' pics the other half scenic. By opportunity, i mean something you won't be able to photo again - city block before it was bulldozed, skyline of cranes, etc ... in 3 years you will have know idea what was there before!
Thank you - very much!
I too am a novice but when someone is interested in your work, let them know you want the exposure but also that there is value in your work.
The site referenced earlier is a good idea what some going rates are so to get more exposure you can cut that cost and still make some funds for new toys.
Good luck and I hope you get rewarded for your work.