
LaCie CRT's still best for color?

davidfisherdavidfisher Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
edited March 30, 2007 in Digital Darkroom
I currently have two Dell 19" CRTs on my desk. They have Trinitron tubes in them, and for the most part look pretty good. They are pretty "different" however from each other, in that I have to put them on really different settings each to get the colors the same (I think the ADC and DVI convertor cables might have something to do with that...). Also, one of them has the scrollwheel/control kinda broken. Meh, got them for $50 total about 2 years ago. Still haven't hopped on the LCD bandwagon.

I have a decent amount of room (most of the time, might be moving back to Boston/NYC within a month or so), and was thinking of getting a single LaCie 24" CRT to replace them with, or two of the LaCie 19" CRTs. I remember that years ago they were the best monitors for color stability, sharpness, and overall quality. Are they still about as good as it gets? The price on them used seems about right. I'd even be willing to keep the silly looking "hoods" on them to block light.

My only concern for space I suppose, is that my computer shares duties as a computer in my home-recording studio, and thus is close to speakers. The CRT monitors distort color and geometry when too close to my speakers (yes they are sheilded, but these are decent sized speakers...). An LCD wouldn't suffer this, an wouldn't cause my guitar pickups to buzz like hell (yes I like single coils).

So is there an LCD that can meet/beat the CRTs yet?


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