My grandson turned 4
I don't post people photos online without permission, but his Mom said I could post this one. It seems like yesterday he couldn't even crawl yet... time goes so quickly when you're a grandparent.
He's a cutey! And smart and bright too! We are all so lucky to have him.
Tell him the internet says Happy Birthday.
I will.... :-)
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
The year he was born was Chinese New Year's Day -- January 24, 2001.
He's a pretty good kid, all boy, don't get me wrong, and there so IS a difference (I raised two girls). But we've been watching the "stages" of boyhood, the "tool" using stage, got to pick up sticks, throw stones, kick up dirt with stick, etc. It's kind of fun to watch as a grandparent...