Showdown at second
Spent a wonderful afternoon in a prime spot right next to the dugout. The GaTech-MD game was sparsely attended - something I hope happens often. :evil No evil media elbowing for spots. :lol3
Still haven't worked out a spot where I can get the ball coming at the lens from the pitcher's hand, but I'm working on it. That could take a thousand or two attempts to get right, but I have the memory cards!
Here's a standard play at second. Now that I've started to think my way through the game situations, it's getting easier to predict when there will be a play there. What's not so easy is getting a close play. Most aren't that close.
In this case, I'm choosing to show the moment of visual confrontation between the shortstop and the base runner. The shortstop has the ball, and the runner's seeing his life flash before his eyes. I know the catechism says you need to show the ball, and I have such a shot. But to me the eye contact is far more compelling than a bouncing ball.

The thing that fascinates me, and slightly horrifies me, about baseball is the stress pitchers put on their arms. When you slow it down, you can see how distorted the limb gets. No wonder they're so frequently injured.
Still haven't worked out a spot where I can get the ball coming at the lens from the pitcher's hand, but I'm working on it. That could take a thousand or two attempts to get right, but I have the memory cards!
Here's a standard play at second. Now that I've started to think my way through the game situations, it's getting easier to predict when there will be a play there. What's not so easy is getting a close play. Most aren't that close.
In this case, I'm choosing to show the moment of visual confrontation between the shortstop and the base runner. The shortstop has the ball, and the runner's seeing his life flash before his eyes. I know the catechism says you need to show the ball, and I have such a shot. But to me the eye contact is far more compelling than a bouncing ball.

The thing that fascinates me, and slightly horrifies me, about baseball is the stress pitchers put on their arms. When you slow it down, you can see how distorted the limb gets. No wonder they're so frequently injured.

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Nice captures! I think you caught the tension and the pressure of the game!
Speaking of the pitching and injuries.. Yeah, this sounds familiar...
In USSR the hand grenade throwing test was a mandatory one in both (the analog of) high school and (the analog of) college, as well it was a sine qua non part of various multi-athletic competitions. I do remember myself and my buddies having various arm injuries due to the lack of warmup or something.
Those grenades (duds in test, but same weight/shape as the real thing) were (and still are) much heavier than a baseball, and you had to throw it at least over 100 ft (and preferably over 120 ft) and hit a ~6'x6' ground target at that (imitation of a firepit), or you fail..
Well, that can be a very long wait. So when I noticed a bit of a pattern, I tried to make something of it.
Umpires are trained to be emphatic in their calls. They're trying to stop the debate before it starts. So many of them develop a little dance when they strike someone out. I never really got this guy in full flight, for some reason the autofocus struggled with him, but what the heck.
Above the dugout are kids who beg for balls between innings. This guy was nicely isolated against the sky, so I grabbed him.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Different cultures are fascinating, Nikolai. A holdover from the war, I assume?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
That's a great pic. He must be double jointed
Here's another pitcher from the same game.
BTW, guess who won?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
No, not really, it was more like "we're alone in the world, everybody is our enemy, we need to be prepared to defend ourselves" and all that BS...
But the truth of the matter was that USSR was a humongous war-oriented machine (we weren't called Evil Empire for nothing
All the population was brainwashed and trained since the very childhood till death, and all the major factories and production facilities were built with so called "dual purpose" in mind. During the peace time such a factory could produce tractors, bottles or gloves, but in case of war it could almost immediately (days, if not hours) switch to productions of tanks, gas masks or army boots.
We had a joke (there were many, this is just an example) about a guy who was working at the factory that was producing sewing machines. Theft was very common (at the time at least, but probably still), so he decided to steal the parts and assemble a sewing machine for his household (since they were nay to impossible to purchase). He managed to steal all the various parts, but no matter how hard he tried, he always ended up with a heavy machine gun....
It was a joke, but it was oh so true...
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Love the shots too!
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