Great themes thus far

I know we're still very early in the game, but insofar the choice of themes has been extremely interesting and challenging. :clap :bow
Definitely beats the living sheet out of everything else I've seen around the 'Net... :wink :thumb
Helps to keep one's on his/her toes, and really works as a great exercise for the subsequent upper level contest tiers. :deal
Definitely beats the living sheet out of everything else I've seen around the 'Net... :wink :thumb
Helps to keep one's on his/her toes, and really works as a great exercise for the subsequent upper level contest tiers. :deal
"May the f/stop be with you!"
You're not whistling Dixie! Talk about mental gymnastics....ok, put your fears at rest, I won't be taking a self portrait
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
You know what I just did that his helping me with ideas for #3? Do an online search for the definition and ideas of what others have done. I have several ideas for #3 and I actually think my entry for #2 isn't as strong as it would ahve been had I done that. It's breaking me out of my mold a little!
Also, I've learned taht you just DO it! Even if it's not good, but you enter something - you're one step up!
Anyway, good luck with this one Claudermilk!!
I'm excited to do it!
Internet is your friend.
Go to any online Dictionary and check all the multiple meanings of both subjects. Then google Images for each one. This should bring you into the ballpark of what has been already done. Now it's all you and your camera...
We'll see.
It's definitely an interesting competition and continues to stretch everyone's imagination and capabilities which in my books makes it a brilliant competition.
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