Replacing a Laptop Screen
I use a HP ZD8000 laptop and the screen has got 2 vertical lines in it (one just popped up today, the other one has been there for a month). I think I'm going to have to replace the screen.
Has anyone got a parts company that they have used before and can recommend? Also, has anyone changed one out? Is it something I can do? I've changed parts on a desktop many times but never tried it on a laptop.
Has anyone got a parts company that they have used before and can recommend? Also, has anyone changed one out? Is it something I can do? I've changed parts on a desktop many times but never tried it on a laptop.
Depending on the laptop model (I'm not familiar with HPs), it can definitely be switched by someone comfortable with electronics. It's helpful if you can find the correct instructions on the web. I've done it with a Dell and a Toshiba (I am an experienced sysadmin). It will probably require some jeweler's screwdrivers, and sometimes you have to remove adhesive patches which aren't easy to replace.
I've had good luck and cheap prices off of Ebay, but you always have to be wary.
I don't think it's the card, I plugged it into an external monitor and it worked fine.
Crack the sucker open and see what it looks like.
Thanks for responding.
Very much so. Now, if I could only find that one little screw.......
If it was a PITA to take apart and the screws unnecessary (like the forty
seven screws used to close a hinged lid), then only enough to hold that
sucker solid are going back in
Glad it worked out for you!