Blog Questions
I would like to set up a blog and link from my smugmug website. Question, and please ignore my ignorance on the "blogging" craze, but first, do you have a recommendation of a blog host and second, will I be able to link my new blog "site" from my smugmug website.
Greatly appreciate. Trying to keep up with the times!!! Thanks, Andie
Greatly appreciate. Trying to keep up with the times!!! Thanks, Andie
My next project is to add my nav bar to the blog. I'll add a how-to post to my blog when I have the nav bar up and running.
As you know, there are a number of blogging sites available, and I believe most of them are at no cost.
I have been using for quite a number of years. I recently changed my smugmug site to have a link to my blog in my navbar, and my blog links back to my smugmug site. What I haven't done yet is to change the header on my blog so that it matches my smugmug header. One of these days I'll probably do that.
For an example, my blog is at (yes, the site names are different, is where you write your blog, <your site name> is where it is viewed), and my smugmug site is at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
this is exactly what I was looking for. I have heard of a few -, typepad, google's, etc. this is great. thanks so much for quick response. I appreciate. Andie
Hi Andie
You have been given some great information above! I currently have a Wordpress blog hosted with a web host (not free). I have used CSS to customize it to look very close to my SmugMug site and linked to it from my SmugMug site in my navbar:
As the only thing I use my other web host for is the blog, I am currently looking for an alternative that will allow me to customize my blog like I can with Wordpress. I can then get rid of the other web host altogether.
Anyway, with a little CSS knowledge, and Firefox and the Web Developer extension, you will be surprised what you can accomplish
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
I like how you added your blog into do i do that? Everything you did, i love..i want to copy you is what i am saying!
ok i figured out how to put my blogger on smugmug.. now the big question is how to put the navigation and banner from smugmug onto blogger and have it link back to smugmug.. ???? anyone know how? Please Help!
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