Nothing like a good print in your hands
With all of today's technology, we sometimes forget or simply overlook the fact that that we can still buy or make things to hang on our walls. Sure, 24" flat panels, DVI video cards, and the like are great, but a simple piece of paper can have such an impact. I just got these two 8x10s black-matted in 11x14 black frames and I just love them (sure, I'm a little biased). What's the most recent print you've done/had done and are greatly pleased with? (personal) (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72 (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
#: Canon 5D - 17-40mm f/4 L - Canon 24-70 f/2.8 L - Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L IS - Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro - 100-400mm f/4 L IS - Canon MT-24EX - Speedlite 430EX - Nikon CoolPix S200
The black ink on my canon printer keeps seizing up-- takes me forever to get it going again! That's my excuse for not making more prints. And I swear, almost everytime I fire it up, one of the inks needs refilling. Kind of a pain sometimes...
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+ (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
She is telling a joke.