Am I going To Be Kicking Myself...harder?
On thursday, we got our refund, and I was so excited about getting my canon 100-400 lens. I sat here and figured out the total with shipping, went and did some other shopping, and came home to order it. It was then I realized I had somehow subtracted the price $400 LESS than it actually was, with no way to turn back. I couldn't get the lens. I literally cried. Like a baby. So, I looked at B&H again, and decided on a Canon 70-200 f/4L USM. I could afford that, and even though it's not the f/2.8 I'd heard wonderful reviews from various people, plus Fred Miranda reviews looked good. Then...I thought to myself..."Self...(that's what I call her)...why not get a handy dandy canon 2x II converter?". I looked at them, saw it was compatible with the lens and bought one. Now, I'm seeing all sorts of bad things about this combination. It's another year before I can get the 100-400 if this combo doesn't cut it. And of course I know if it doesn't, I can resell it. I'm going to go crazy waiting to find this out. I normally shoot outdoors in bright light, so the loss of f stops isn't a huge deal, but...I'm concerned. Has anyone tried this combo? (I already read the review in luminous landscapes, I'm just hoping maybe by some miracle someone has had good results).
good luck!
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Fairbanks, Alaska:wave
Fairbanks, Alaska:wave
EDITED to add, not to mention sharper than the IS version...though if I had the money I'd have gotten the IS, but I don't.
Fairbanks, Alaska:wave
Fairbanks, Alaska:wave
Well, the 70-200 f/4s dont lost much value so when you replace it down the road you wont be taking much of a hit anyways. But speaking of manual focusing, what kind of camera? Does it have the stock focusing screen? I'm having a hell of a time trying to manually focus my dRebel. Even at f/16, granted it's 560mm, I can't focus accurately enough to be in the DoF.
I've tried the 1.4x extender on the f4, and it works fine in very bright sunshine. But at f5.6 with the extender and no IS, it's really tough to get sharp images without a tripod (there's a hint in there somewhere
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Fairbanks, Alaska:wave