Opinion wanted: Youth Sports Products

I've developed two custom products (working on more) that I'm going to be offering to parents for the spring soccer season.
First, is the custom magazine cover. At 8"x10", it has the player's name and team in the headlines. I made one for the coach's daughter and had many "Oooh!"s and "Ahhh!"s over it, from coach and wife, as well as others.

(Example features my daughter)
Second, is the custom "sports ticket". A 7" tall, 2.5" wide sports ticket customized with player's name and jersey number, as well as having date and opponent (with player's team in BIG BOLD) of the match featured on the ticket.

(Once again, example features my daughter.)
Opinions? Likes? Dislikes?
One of the things I'm planning on doing is offering a "Extended Family Pack" special: three magazine covers (parents and both grandparents), 8 tickets and then throw in eight wallets free. (2"x3" or 2.5"x3.5" super-wallets... which do you think?)
First, is the custom magazine cover. At 8"x10", it has the player's name and team in the headlines. I made one for the coach's daughter and had many "Oooh!"s and "Ahhh!"s over it, from coach and wife, as well as others.

(Example features my daughter)
Second, is the custom "sports ticket". A 7" tall, 2.5" wide sports ticket customized with player's name and jersey number, as well as having date and opponent (with player's team in BIG BOLD) of the match featured on the ticket.

(Once again, example features my daughter.)
Opinions? Likes? Dislikes?
One of the things I'm planning on doing is offering a "Extended Family Pack" special: three magazine covers (parents and both grandparents), 8 tickets and then throw in eight wallets free. (2"x3" or 2.5"x3.5" super-wallets... which do you think?)
John Patrick
Canon shooter
Canon shooter
I've never seen the ticket idea before. I've seen trading cards but never a ticket. How do you get those made? Are they one side or two?
A former sports shooter
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Collages will come later on, I'm sure. I think 16x20 is the best size for them, but framing/mounting may be a problem for some customers.
One sided, and I designed that ticket. All done by Photoshop actions. I crop, hit a button, and it makes one ticket. Edit the text, hit another button, it panelizes (two on a 5x7) and finalizes. Ready to upload to your lab of choice.
Canon shooter
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Thanks. I'm trying to come up with different (not necessarily unique) items that are reasonably priced (both for me to make and for them to buy) to help drive sales. As these are action shots and not T&I shots, I can give them something that the people doing the T&I can't give them.
Any opinions on the text?
Or any other ideas?
Canon shooter
I honestly wouldn't change a thing. The tickets are perfect the way they are, the type style is right on, same with the magazine cover. I have considered doing simalar items, my posters 20 x 30 and 24 x 30 have been a huge success, but like you I am always looking for more ways to drive sales up. These look very nice.
Canon Gear
Excellent - these are great. I hope you sell heaps!
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I made a few of the covers for racing & soccer last year. They do seemed to be liked. Yours is crisp,simple & clean. good job. the ticket is different , I like it, it's interesting.
Good luck.
Hey...Your just down the road from me, small world.
Just some thoughts which may or may not work for you ... I like your creativity.
Unsharp at any Speed
Good idea on the Row, Section , Seat - maybe change the numbers
to reflect the league/team/uniform #
good job ! - jr
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Thanks for the critique. After thought, I agree with switching the name/# and copyright.
However, I'm sticking with the price thing right now, as I think the "Priceless" thing is just a bit too cheesy for my taste (but then again, it's the PARENTS' taste that matters!).
Canon shooter
I've thought about that, but it's just too much to keep track of; I have the name, teams, date, and jersey # right now (although most of that is on the "order form" for the parents to fill out).
However, I will allow customization of the seat/row/section if the parents want. Probably even at no charge (GASP!).
Canon shooter