LPS#3: Red and living it

Gotta get it out of my system.. 

It sucks, I know, but I had to give it a try it just to get moving on...:wink

It sucks, I know, but I had to give it a try it just to get moving on...:wink
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I realize the wine and Disney cups are the contrast, but only one Minnie is really clearly shown. (and your white surface ends near the top of the frame, but you probably already know that).
Thank you for the feedback...
Something like this was my Very First Gut Reaction when I read the themes.
Since that time many good or excellent "broken pattern' posts were made, so it kinda dumped it for me, but it kept popping in my head and blocking me from the other ideas.
So, I decided to give it a shot.
Folded 5-in-1 reflector (in its transluscent mode) and a pair of worklights gave me a decent lighting. I initially planned to use the shot glasses as the "fillers" but when I reached for them in the cupboard I found these papers cups and decided that it would create even stronger contrast.
Anyways.. The shot is cr4ppy, I have no illusions about it. But I honestly tried it, so at least I can move on:-)
Seriously, though, you know you can do much, much better. The competition is already really hot and as a two time winner already
I can't wait to see what you come up with.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
This is all assuming you want to pursue this idea further. Or to tease you if you don't.
Yeah, I can actually see a little more merit to this scenario than I saw earlier. I will probably play some more with a better light and better arrangements.
Need.. more.. cups...
I know you are capbable of doing a better job of this idea. As is, the shot is pretty flat. The wine glass is your center of interest but it looks unappealing.
Here are some ideas that might help:
Use champangne. Champange will help in three ways: you can see the cups through it, the bubbles will add visual interest, and I think champagne will liven up the story a bit more by putting a adult party glass in a collection of kid party glasses.
Put something in the cups. White grape juice or apple juice might be the best choices--something that matches the color of the champange. Filling the cups will add more similarity to the glass and the cups which I think will contribute to the surprise of the difference. Also, currently inside of the cups get somewhat lost in the white table top. Filling the cups will give you some contrast.
Play with the light. Getting the light right on both the paper cups and the glass will be tough because of their very different properties, but I think getting the light right is key to turning this into a winning shot.
Thank you, mate, good suggestions, appreciate your time!
I was thinking of the champagne initially, but for this quick-and-dirty test I went for an open bottle of Chianti :-)
Thank you for your feedback!
BTW, did you know here in SoCal we have a very nice FM radio station carrying your name (92.7 Jill FM:-)
I hear ya. Most of my martini shots were taken with water. Only toward the end when I had a very practiced technique did I use some cheap vodka because I could freeze that and have it still pour. Sadly the frozen vodka didn't look nearly as lively as the water when I poured it.
For this shot there is no real reason to use actual champangne. Try sparking water with some apple or white grape juice mixed in for color.
In fact it did, I think. I could almost feel the viscosity :-)
I keep some of my vodkas in the freezer, and they are substantially more viscous than those that are simply in the frige.
True, but.. this also means I won't be able to reward myself after each series of shots:-)
You meant - with vodka, right?
Nik, don't let is discourage you, just do what you wanted to with broken pattern type shots and one up the others, simple as that:D. Maybe not, but honestly what's stopping you from reaching the top?
True, true...
There's a Russian saying though that goes "beer without vodka is a waste of money".
I bet it's also the same for all other drinks, so if you are going to have champa's, then you need some vodka as well.
There is another Russian quote that's applicable "Only Aristocrats and Degenerates drink champagne in the morning" (it sound better in Russian
So Nik, you gotta make sure you're doing the shoot in the evening. Unless of course you fall into one of those 2 categories =c)
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No, I had no idea, thanks for the smile.