B&H shopping cart, cookies, and more
***mod edit: this was split from the B&H deal code thread, as a somewhat useful tangent***
I have been saving for this for a while, now I wont be able to even get it for that price. Why on earth would they empty the cart?
The body alone went up $50 .
Im not happy with BH photo right now, I had a camera body and lens in my shopping cart with the discount code- and they must have emptied my cart.photobug wrote:OK, I answered my own question ... this morning I cycled through a few codes and got lucky and ran across this one ... code psjan07026 for this lens (at $1599).
And of course, free shipping for NAPP members ;-).
I have been saving for this for a while, now I wont be able to even get it for that price. Why on earth would they empty the cart?
The body alone went up $50 .
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
I thought the same thing, so every few days or so I would go back to cart and check it.
rather than the cart, they have a wishlist option that I've used in the past for keeping track of stuff.
Just playing devils advocate here, but if you put stuff in a cart at Bob's Photo and came back in a month would you expect to still get it at that price? On the other hand, I didn't know you could do that at all at B&H, and will definitely do so in the future.
regular site
smug site
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Remember though, the main difference between places like B&H and Amazon is that Amazon, Google and Yahoo are all vying to rule the Earth and turn us into mindless zombie slaves.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I for one welcome our new internet overlords.
If you have trouble, write to them, and tell them what happened. I've never, ever not known them to do the right thing. They're good people. The best in the photography retail world, period.
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that is normal for the cart...use the wish list, items stay there indef
Like Andy said, give 'em a call after the holidays are over and I bet you'll be satisfied with their response.
My photos
"The future is an illusion, but a damned handy one." - David Allen
Cookies are most often used in eCommerce as a way to maintain session information so that your login persists between page views. These days, another technique called URL rewriting is used as an alternative technique to maintain sessions. So you can happily shop on either B&H or Amazon on a browser that has cookies completely disabled.
The reason shopping carts time out is a policy decision by the vendor. Shopping carts occupy server space and it's reasonable for a vendor to clean up abandoned shopping carts to reclaim server space. Plus, it's unreasonable to expect a vendor to honor a particular price on an item forever.
Link to my Smugmug site
I know your right.
I have been working so hard to save for these items.
To set the record straight-
BH Photo is a very good company to do business with.
I have been buying from them since 1992.
Not once have I had any problems with them.
As a matter of fact they are the only company I buy from.
I dont want others to think differently, I was blowing off steam.:D
B&H Photo-Video
Yeah, I think the post just above this validates Andy's claim!
Just have to echo-- it's amazing these days when a company can not only hold their own against amazon and the other internet overlords, but can still do it better and with real-life people who participate in forums. Dgrin isn't the only forum I've seen Henry helping folks out. Haven't ever seen amazon do that though...
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
I just bought my dSLR kit from B&H a couple weeks ago.
Went to the store to see exactly what I wanted and what I was getting, ordered it online and had it shipped to the address I would be at in California.
Overall I was fairly satisfied with the experience. Everything went off without a hitch.
My only complaint would be the store experience itself. Whilst the store is absolutely incredible, the help I received was sub-par.
The salesman seemed to care less for me or my sale. It's a VERY good thing that I went in with a good idea of what I wanted. Trying to get his opinion on my purchase was like sucking water from a stone, and the whole time I dealt with him, he was speaking to other people and doing other things around him (i.e. not giving me much attention).
Other than that, I was satisfied with the B&H experience.
body: canon 400d
lenses: 50mm 1.8 & 10-22mm
Grant Shapiro Design & Photography
I posted over at Fred Miranda.com
here's my post...
"So as you probably know B&H was closed for holidays. I check the site and it shows the Nikon 18-200 vr "IN STOCK" again during the holiday. So I load up my cart and wait... they reopen at 8:45 pm last night for internet orders so I pounce seconds after they reopen. In less than 60 seconds, more like 30 seconds, I hit the complete order button. And I get the red screen... "Item out of stock, Item has been removed from your cart."
What the....???"
Any thoughts...
Im at a loss for words. I was a little steamed at the time .
I have typed a paragraph 4 times and erased every one of them. I dont
know what to say. I never thought about you seeing this. And needing sleep doesnt help my thoughts.
One thing before I go and get some sleep
I take care of all photography at work including ordering equipment
and never have had one problem with a order ( including ordering xmas gifts for employees). What a great success rate!
Thank you Henry