How about: getAllImageInfo?
I've finally gotten some time to hack around with the API and have managed to cobble together a script that allows me to export a list of images and their original filenames. I will be importing this list into another database.
Something that would be quite useful is a method called getAllImageInfo (or similar) that would take an AlbumID and return all of the image info for each image in the album.
Though large albums could generate a pretty large response, it seems like it would beat what I'm doing now, which is iterating over the array returned by getImages and calling getImageInfo for each one.
Any thoughts?
Something that would be quite useful is a method called getAllImageInfo (or similar) that would take an AlbumID and return all of the image info for each image in the album.
Though large albums could generate a pretty large response, it seems like it would beat what I'm doing now, which is iterating over the array returned by getImages and calling getImageInfo for each one.
Any thoughts?
I was asking similar question on a similar subject a few weeks ago.
Onethumb explaind that they would actually prefer multiple requests, as far as they can be split acroos the farm, while one monolithic request can hold up one server for a long time.
I was looking for a way to get csv-file with filename, imageID, galleryID. Then getting this into my iMatch database and from there I could create direct links for every picture.
In what language did you write your script and are you willing to share it? I would volunteer for some testing.
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