Pinup style pink
Many of my girlfriends are quite into the retro-pinup look, and there is a pretty decent industry for photographers of this type. But since I am still pretty new to shooting people I thought i would give it a go and one of my good friends was willing to help me out and be my model. Constructive criticism is always welcome, especially with this learning curve.
The first one is slightly naughty:
From what I've been told, there are many more usable "props" and vintage settings out west, but around my neck o' the woods you have to make do with what ya got.
Thanks for looking!
The first one is slightly naughty:
From what I've been told, there are many more usable "props" and vintage settings out west, but around my neck o' the woods you have to make do with what ya got.
Thanks for looking!
It's actually quite difficult to shoot pinup style photos-- pinup artists sketch their pinups and aren't limited by gravity or impossible posing by models!
Just an idea, but you want to be much more overt about the sexiness of pinup photos-- pinups are almost always blatantly sexy. I would suggest you try to 'copy' some of your fav pinup sketches. Don't worry-- there's no way you'll get them exactly right and it's almost certain you'll put your own spin on things so you aren't really copying... it's more for inspiration.
I've tried some pinup photos myself and most of it isn't very good! The really successful pinup photographers will literally spend days creating and styling sets and lighting.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
We agreeed to try this again another time later when it's warmer.
And I actually find it interesting that your opinion is of pinup models being blatantly sexy. The ones that my friend here showed me were usually very subtle about it - which is one of the things I find appealing: it's not all 100% underwear and garters all the time.
I have little enough experience working with models so having you - a professional fashion photog - tell me how hard it is, makes me feel a bit better. I had images of hot rod garages and thigh-hi's and Betty Page hair but it was just do darned cold to consider any of that. I was researching a couple of contemporary pinup-style photogs: Viva van Story and Shannon Brooke, but again I am not really familiar with this fashion scene so I'm always open to any tips like the names you've given me.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
My favorite pinup artist is Gil Elvgren (I think I spelled his name wrong the first post)-- the sexuality in his drawings/sketches is subtle but definitely there.
Here's another good resource (lots of photos):
And Glenn Specht has some incredible work on his site too. I met him once and that's when I learned some of his sets take a week to set up for a single pin-up photo!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
I have most definitely decided to go the 'copy' route next, and will possibly be posting the results if they are not too racy for this forum.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography