help with portrait blurs please
I'm a beginner photographer. I started taking my daughter's Senior pictures and the next thing I know, I'm doing lots of photoshoots and staying busy... which I'm truly greatful for.
I do have a concern. (Mainly because I've been asked to take twirling recital pictures soon... group shots) The problem that I have is that when I take pictures of things in front of something... things blur. I've tried changing my settings to different things but...... I'm at a lost. Otherwise, my pictures are turning out really good.
This link is to some of the pictures that show my concern. The little boy is clear but his hand and toy cars are blurry. I have this problem occasionally.
These were taken on manuel 1/125 2.8 400 ISO with a portrait lens. At first I was taking them on AV instead of manuel but that didn't seem to work good. It was once suggested to put it on A-DEP but they seem really blurry that way.
Help appreciated,
I do have a concern. (Mainly because I've been asked to take twirling recital pictures soon... group shots) The problem that I have is that when I take pictures of things in front of something... things blur. I've tried changing my settings to different things but...... I'm at a lost. Otherwise, my pictures are turning out really good.
This link is to some of the pictures that show my concern. The little boy is clear but his hand and toy cars are blurry. I have this problem occasionally.
These were taken on manuel 1/125 2.8 400 ISO with a portrait lens. At first I was taking them on AV instead of manuel but that didn't seem to work good. It was once suggested to put it on A-DEP but they seem really blurry that way.
Help appreciated,
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
This isn't "blur" per se... the cars and hands are just out of the depth of field (dof).
When shooting at 2.8 your dof will be quite shallow. If you shot this at f8 it all would have been in focus.
Now... I am definitely not saying I recommend shooting this at f8, only trying to explain the reasons behind the problem you're having.
Personally, I shoot with lenses at 1.4 and 1.8 very often. It can help isolate your subject or feature.
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Pratice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regrets.
Appreciate your friends.
Continue to learn.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is. you will see how to determine your DOF for a given apeture. Just remember, fi you want stop action you want the fastest shutter speed that will fit with your apeture to "freeze" the action. But a little blur goes a long ways towards capturing the fact that it is in motion. I suggest get a subject in similar lighting to what you will have to work with and start playing.
- Ansel Adams.
If you want the hands and cars sharper you will need to use a deeper DOF. If you still want the backdrop out of focus, you may need to move the subject farther away from the backdrop.
A couple of other things to consider, although you may already know this:
I would suggest backing up a little extra and using a longer lens. This will help to compress the group and not make the kids in the middle look larger than the kids on the outside.
I would also suggest using a tripod. I know shooting handheld at say 1/100 at 50mm will usually produce good results, but nothing beats a dead still camera.
Most likely, the ambient lighting is not going to help you very much. Use a bounce flash or bring your stobes.
If you are shooting action shots, all of this is going to be a different story of course.
I hope this helps.
A bunch of Canon Stuff.