Help needed #3

Poised Elegance

Nik suggested a different placement in the frame. I too considered this when cropping. The detail of reflection behind the loon's back and the pool of disturbed water on the right I believe is necessary as that makes the pose that more dramatic. Which do you like better? Here is a different crop:

Ideas, comments, suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Nik suggested a different placement in the frame. I too considered this when cropping. The detail of reflection behind the loon's back and the pool of disturbed water on the right I believe is necessary as that makes the pose that more dramatic. Which do you like better? Here is a different crop:

Ideas, comments, suggestions? Thanks in advance.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
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NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
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Comments The Photo Section
There are few things about this shot that keep me on the fence..
- great capture of the moment
- "pose" is definitely "elegant"
- very nice colors
- with great pattern on the bird
- DOF, exposure and focus are spot on
Now, the other part :-(- shot is dead centered, which makes it kinda boring
- with all its technical excellency it bears the look and feel of a snapshot
Maybe simply because of the centered composition 
I hope I'm wrong on the last two (but at least I swear I'm honest:-)HTH
Yes, I've been thinking about this very thing as I've looked at it...fortunately, I can recrop...thought about the centering thing when was doing it.....going for a new comp......will repost...thanks again.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
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I prefer your second one since it's off center. i think it's picturesque. what a beautiful bird and i love the effects in the water.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
My understanding of Picturesque is that it is aesthetic in between classical beauty (think Michelangelo's David) and the gothic grotesque (Strikeslip's cottage shot in the entry thread is a stunning example of this). IMO, elegance is classical beauty rather than picturesque beauty. That, I realize, is a rather narrow definition of picturesque. Does this distinction matter for the competition? Got me...
I like the new crop better. I would even crop a bit more from the bottom (first bright band) and just a tad more from the right.
Another idea maybe to go boack to the 1st image and crop from top/left, thus showing the disturbed water behind the loon and creating strong diagonal movement intersecting with the wings and thus creating a very strong focal point.
Also, it somehow looks flatter, maybe give it a bit of DavidTO's "pop" medicine...
You don't say. The moment I saw it I was like "wow, darn, this is good"...
I have to agree with those who like the centered shot better as that's my gut instinct...what I saw when originally processing. Since the loon is at an angle along with the reflection, pose and lighting....I threw out the infamous rule as it to my eye works this way best. The first also is a bit "closer", hence bigger in the frame.....but......wait....Nik showed me some light! How's this?
I see exactly what Nik is seeing (except for the 2nd one being flat, as that actually has a bit more pop than the first....heh, you should see the layers Nik
What a great bunch! I sincerely appreciate it.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
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The Loon is a unique bird and sometimes called "The great diver". It's beauty is oddly unique. It is Minnesota's state bird and this particular capture within the context of late day light, demonstrates the picturesque theme...even if only in my mind. This pose is indicative of the loon's nature & mating habits, making it that much more.......picturesque.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
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Not only do I learn about photography here but wildlife as well!! I really like it and agree t fits picturesque perfectly.