Corporate art knowledge

John Harrington writes a blog about photo business and all associated peripherals and gave an insightful post to those trying to figure out how much to charge for art in a corporate environment.
Has anyone read the book that he is shamelessly plugging? Would be curious if others found it useful.
Best Business Practices for Photographers
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Been a couple of months since I read this and allot of these things didn't pertain to me, so my summary isn't too detailed.
It's useful if your already a pro (which I'm not, and never plan to be). If your thinking of becoming a pro, it's somewhat useful by giving you allot of 'best practices' for pros.
Allot of the book seems common sense to me. I have a pretty extensive business background though. I can see if I was a pro re-reading this every two or three years to help shake the cobwebs off to keep my business from plateauing.
Better off getting this book from your library and seeing if it's worth the purchase before investing. That's what I do w/ all my books though.