Something like Bellamax Upshot for Mac?
I was just wanting to see if anyone out there knows of a program like Bellamax Upshot that works on Macs. I like and use Photoshot Elements to tweak slected pics, but sometimes I just want a good, easy, basic color/exposure correction program like Upshot. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I'm 100% Mac... but I use i2e under parallels on my Macs because it's bar none the best such App I've found
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Is 2 Gb RAM in a MBP enough to allow using i2e in Parallels or is this only true with your killer desktop MAC with 4 Gb RAM?
I just aquired a MBP so I am trying to decide if I want Parallel for it. I will NOT be updating my dual G5 Power Mac at this time, maybe the next round of PowerMac upgrades I'll consider it, so I do not have the option of i2e on my desktop unit. I guess I could run it on my old WIN XP box
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I do also run it on my Mac Pro, with 2gb to Parallels and 4 for the Mac side (when Parallels is running).
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