Smugmug Exporter
I had really been wanting a tool that could export data from Smugmug to something easily importable by image management apps and other databases. Since nobody else seemed headed in that direction, I got my hands dirty and built it myself. And since it seemed useful to me, I thought I'd share it with others as well.
So here it is: Smugmug Exporter
It's a free web-based service, built with ASP (yeah, that's right... *classic* ASP), that exports Album, Category, and Image data to CSV files. Everyone is welcome to use it. If you like it and find it useful, you're welcome to make a donation too :thumb (or not).
Anyway, it seems to work well for me but I'd be interested in what others think. Some operations can be slow, especially when lots of albums or images are involved, but that's because I have to make lots of individual calls to get the data I need.
One thing I want to be upfront about: you have to enter your Smugmug credentials (email address and password) to establish a session. Smugmug Exporter immediately discards that information once the session is established, but some people may understandably be leery of such a thing. If so, there's not much I can do about it... just don't use the service. Or, you could use the service then change your Smugmug password afterwards to be safe. In any event, your credentials are transmitted securely with SSL to Smugmug Exporter and also to, if that helps allay any concerns.
Hope you enjoy it... let me know what you think!
Paul Woods
aka "flyingpylon"
So here it is: Smugmug Exporter
It's a free web-based service, built with ASP (yeah, that's right... *classic* ASP), that exports Album, Category, and Image data to CSV files. Everyone is welcome to use it. If you like it and find it useful, you're welcome to make a donation too :thumb (or not).
Anyway, it seems to work well for me but I'd be interested in what others think. Some operations can be slow, especially when lots of albums or images are involved, but that's because I have to make lots of individual calls to get the data I need.
One thing I want to be upfront about: you have to enter your Smugmug credentials (email address and password) to establish a session. Smugmug Exporter immediately discards that information once the session is established, but some people may understandably be leery of such a thing. If so, there's not much I can do about it... just don't use the service. Or, you could use the service then change your Smugmug password afterwards to be safe. In any event, your credentials are transmitted securely with SSL to Smugmug Exporter and also to, if that helps allay any concerns.
Hope you enjoy it... let me know what you think!
Paul Woods
aka "flyingpylon"
sounds great and I'll have a look into it later. Yeah, there are possible login issues, but as you suggested you can easily change your password afterwards.
Thanks for the work,
SmugMug Support Hero
- subcategoryID didn't show up for me in album view, but it's saved in csv
- what's the use of highlightID?
- connection after login not secured anymore --> unprotected gallery passwords!
- height+md5sum are not filled in csv-files, not even for the newest files
Thanks your server bandwith.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks for the feedback!
1. The SubCategory field should now show up in the Album view. I had a lowercase "c" instead of an uppercase "C" in "SubCategory".
2. I don't know what highlightID is for. I just return the values I get from the API. Maybe one of the smugmug guys can answer that.
3. Regarding the session not being secure after login, that's by design. is not secure if you have your browser set to login automatically. Since that is how I have my browser set up, I guess I didn't think about it. But just now I went back and logged out of, then loged back in, and noticed that the session does remain secure. But then if you click the "Your Photos" link, it goes to unsecure. I get the impression that their intention was not to make all gallery editing, etc. occur in a secure session. I wonder how much of an issue this really is for people?
4. Height and md5sum are not being returned by the API for some reason. All I get are empty strings.
HighlightID is the ImageID that is 'Featured' on galleries which have featured photos. Otherwise we rotate through the photos in the gallery.
Fixed the Height and MD5Sum fields on our test server. Was my bug, oops. It'll be fixed in the next software rollout (probably this week sometime, but no promises).
I got a great suggestion from a user and have added a new feature to Smugmug Exporter: A simple Thumbnail Gallery creator.
The Thumbnail Gallery creator generates some very simple static HTML that can be cut and pasted into your own web page. It will display the thumbnails from your smugmug gallery and each thumbnail will be linked to the large version. Of course, external linking must be turned on for any of the images to appear outside of The look and feel can be customized simply by modifying the styles included in the HTML.
Check it out if you're interested.
Smugmug Exporter