Bandwidth Bottlenecks
Hello All,
Well just finished my first upload of 7gb of photos to 1 album but it seemed to take forever. I averaged only 100 kilobytes per second on my upload speed using star explorer. I was uploading from work at FSU where my bandwidth is pretty much unlimited. Does anyone know if there is a bandwidth cap as too how fast you can upload to smugmug? I tested out a few other services outside my network and averaged anywhere from 3 - 15 megabits per second. Uploading to smugmug barely pushed 1 megabit per second. Now I know this may sound like I am complaining because it sure beats most DSL speeds, however we are looking to migrate about 50gb of data for our initial setup.
Well just finished my first upload of 7gb of photos to 1 album but it seemed to take forever. I averaged only 100 kilobytes per second on my upload speed using star explorer. I was uploading from work at FSU where my bandwidth is pretty much unlimited. Does anyone know if there is a bandwidth cap as too how fast you can upload to smugmug? I tested out a few other services outside my network and averaged anywhere from 3 - 15 megabits per second. Uploading to smugmug barely pushed 1 megabit per second. Now I know this may sound like I am complaining because it sure beats most DSL speeds, however we are looking to migrate about 50gb of data for our initial setup.
So i just switched to SmugBrowser and my speeds are now averaging 600kilobytes per second
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You are more likely to get StarExplorer specific questions answered in the StarExplorer thread in the API discussion forum. I have noticed this same phenomenon with StarExplorer and actually find that the java uploader is signficantly faster than StarExplorer when I'm uploading lots of images from a very fast network (T1/T3 at work). I don't know why that is, but I know Nik has worked on it some. Best to go ask him over in that thread.
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Marc, I'm not sure.... I use S*E all the time myself (who'd guessed;-). On a our office's T3 line I'm getting around 1Mb (that's megabyte, not megabit) per second upload speed. Maybe it's your local router/LAN? I had some problems when I had an old 100Mbit one, but once it got a Gbit they have disappeared.
Let me know!
Marc, can I ask you for a favor? Since you already have Parallels, can you try IE uploader (yeah, I know, I'm asking for a lot:-) and compare it to S*E (in multithreaded mode) just for ONE file?
Thanks for the data!
Can you check/share the java-based one speed?
Any chance of trying IE?
As to the one instance... As you are probably aware, S*E is using local database to cache all the necessary information (that's why you can alsways see and explore your whole SM tree w/o even been conected:-). Multiple processes writing to a simple desktop db engine = very bad idea. It's doable, but the coding efforts are rather large, and it will actually bring speed down due to the sycnhronization issues.