Kid's Baseball
Here are some pics taken last Saturday for a friend whose kid plays on the Blue team.

2)Ground ball

3) Warming up

4)The Wind-up

5) The Pitch

6) From a different angle

These were taken with an 80-200/2.8 at ISO 100, f/2.8 except for that last shot, taken with a 18-70/3.5 - 5.6 Kit Lens at f/5.6. Since it is a kids game, there wasn't much action between the bases. Hope you guys like it, C&C always welcome.

2)Ground ball

3) Warming up

4)The Wind-up

5) The Pitch

6) From a different angle

These were taken with an 80-200/2.8 at ISO 100, f/2.8 except for that last shot, taken with a 18-70/3.5 - 5.6 Kit Lens at f/5.6. Since it is a kids game, there wasn't much action between the bases. Hope you guys like it, C&C always welcome.
Sony A700&VG; KM 7D&VG; KM 5D; Min 28-75/2.8; 50/1.7; Tammie 17-50/2.8; Tammie 90/2.8 Macro; Min 80-200/2.8; and Min 300/2.8, two flashes, and a couple of other accessories.
Sony A700&VG; KM 7D&VG; KM 5D; Min 28-75/2.8; 50/1.7; Tammie 17-50/2.8; Tammie 90/2.8 Macro; Min 80-200/2.8; and Min 300/2.8, two flashes, and a couple of other accessories.
- Ansel Adams.
THANKS Mike02, #4 is my Fave too, I like the cheeky peek over the glove look in that picture. But yeah, the others are more for the parents. Glad you like that one.
Sony A700&VG; KM 7D&VG; KM 5D; Min 28-75/2.8; 50/1.7; Tammie 17-50/2.8; Tammie 90/2.8 Macro; Min 80-200/2.8; and Min 300/2.8, two flashes, and a couple of other accessories.
Sony A700&VG; KM 7D&VG; KM 5D; Min 28-75/2.8; 50/1.7; Tammie 17-50/2.8; Tammie 90/2.8 Macro; Min 80-200/2.8; and Min 300/2.8, two flashes, and a couple of other accessories.