My girls.
I've been trying to work on getting "Yuri eyes", but my usual subjects are more like tiny tornados and don't tend to sit still for long. This is my daughter (20 months) who sat still and at the right distance from the lights for exactly 1 nanosecond
. The funny thing is that it wasn't her shoot. She only likes to jump in when we are taking portraits of other kids, mostly to kiss the babies. But we'll take what we can get. And my wife (2nd picture) makes me delete almost every picture of her. So I tried something new that she is almost liking.

I love them. They look great. What a cute little girl!!! I know how your wife feels, I hate getting my picture taken, but she is so pretty. She has nothing to worry about.:D
Now, if I had a self portrait that looked like your wife....I would be estatic to have it posted!!! She is very beautiful!! I konw how she feels also.....I hate pictures of myself, but then I feel bad that when my children look back at ALL of the pictures they will have, they are going to ask "why isn't mom in any of these?"
I will simply reply......I was the one taking them!!!
Wonderful shots!!!
I know who that is and I am only 33, so you can stick with that age!!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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Christy McNicols rings a bell, but I can't place her. But I'm 35 so I should know.