STOLEN in Costa Mesa, CA: 1st Gen Digital Rebel
Not that it's likely it'll show up here, but in case any SoCal smugmuggers happen to come across a kit matching this description, I'd appreciate a heads-up. Thanks! --Darryl (408/255-9333)
from my Craigslist posting
The day before Easter (!), 4/7/2007 we were at South Coast Plaza. While attending to our 2-year old son, we accidentally left our camera bag containing a first-gen Canon Digital Rebel w/ 18-55mm kit lens, 70-300mm Canon lens, and 50mm Canon lens. There was a 1GB CF Card in the camera, as well as a spare battery and a card reader.
It was left on the benches near the exit by Claim Jumper and the magazine stand.
We've reported the loss to South Coast Plaza lost and found/security as well as the Costa Mesa Police, but have not heard any news. We are offering a reward of $200 for the recovery of the camera. Heck, we'd give you $100 for the CF card alone because while the camera is replaceable, the images of our son with the easter bunny and more importantly, his great-grandmother, grand-aunt, and cousins are *not*.
Please e-mail if you have any information about the camera. Here is the serial number of the camera: 660218558
Obviously this is a long shot, but I appreciate your good thoughts and maybe your vigilance in buying used equipment that meets this description.
from my Craigslist posting
The day before Easter (!), 4/7/2007 we were at South Coast Plaza. While attending to our 2-year old son, we accidentally left our camera bag containing a first-gen Canon Digital Rebel w/ 18-55mm kit lens, 70-300mm Canon lens, and 50mm Canon lens. There was a 1GB CF Card in the camera, as well as a spare battery and a card reader.
It was left on the benches near the exit by Claim Jumper and the magazine stand.
We've reported the loss to South Coast Plaza lost and found/security as well as the Costa Mesa Police, but have not heard any news. We are offering a reward of $200 for the recovery of the camera. Heck, we'd give you $100 for the CF card alone because while the camera is replaceable, the images of our son with the easter bunny and more importantly, his great-grandmother, grand-aunt, and cousins are *not*.
Please e-mail if you have any information about the camera. Here is the serial number of the camera: 660218558
Obviously this is a long shot, but I appreciate your good thoughts and maybe your vigilance in buying used equipment that meets this description.
thats sucks! I hope you get it back!
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
Does anybody check such things? Well the body's SN is: 660218558
The serial number of the EF75-300mm (f/4-5.6 III USM) is 09500086
I don't think I have the box for the 50mm anymore...