Other Kinds of Urban Places.

St. Elmo, Colorado located in the Collegate Range in North Central Colorado. South and East of Beuna Vista. I loved this old place but after we moved to the flatlands I learned that the south side of Main Street burned. Half of the town.

Sony Cybershot dsc-f717.
The sky was bald so I added clouds in PS, then there was the usual USM and levels.
With any luck I will get back up there this year and will have the time to work the opportunities there. I just aquired a Canon 20D and a quality 28 - 300mm macro zoom so I need to go back.
Darryl Cox
In the Great Osage
Outside of a dog a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it is too dark to read !
St Elmo is a great place to visit. I spent two weeks last summer at the foot of Mt Princeton on the road in to St ELmo. My son and I rode motorcycles up there daily.
I am sure you remember this welcome sign from the locals!!
A real sky too.
More St Elmo
Did you get to Tin Cup or Pitkin?
This is the Wood Carver's shop in Pitkin. I love rural Colorado
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Think that will work for humans too?
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I tried to get up to Hancock but the snows and a rapid melt off has washed the dirt out of the road and all there was left was bolders.
That was too bad because there was a cabin on the flat up there....with what was left of a fence and the Red Massif of Entineers Peak in the background...if my memory serves me correctly. I have some slides of the place from the seventies. If I can find them I will scan them in and post one or two.
We lived in the Denver Metro and lived in the mountians on weekends.
Thanks for sharing these I wish I had the time to take my KLR to these places.