Hip Hop Guys
I saw these guys practising a dance routine n the bandstand in my local park. They quite happily posed for a pic:
Had a bit of hassle getting a reasonable exposure due to the shadows under the bandstand, the fact that I was shooting into the sun etc. I used fill in flash ISO was 500 wb auto f3.5 1/1600. Any suggestions as to how I could have improved the exposure. I had the 40-150mm lens on the E500.
Had a bit of hassle getting a reasonable exposure due to the shadows under the bandstand, the fact that I was shooting into the sun etc. I used fill in flash ISO was 500 wb auto f3.5 1/1600. Any suggestions as to how I could have improved the exposure. I had the 40-150mm lens on the E500.
Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be content...you keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be content...you keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
that is a tough shot to do. White background and dark faces these are opposite ends of dynamic range your camera can capture. I think you should have dialed FEC (flash exposure compensation) up a stop or two as your background still overpowered the scene.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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Hi Vangogh,
I am no expert and still feel a little uncomfortable critiquing images but I will let you know what I see.
I think they are good subjects, they obviously didn't mind their picture being taken. The first thing I noticed was the pole coming out of the guy on the rights head, this may have been avaoided by moving to the right a little???
The second thing I saw was in the bottom left corner, is that part of a stereo? where they practising to music? If so I think it would have been cool to include it in the image (the bottom left corner would have been a good place as well) but at the moment is a little bit distracting as it is.
I can't really help on the exposure question as I am just not a good enough photographer myself however I personally feel you should not always worry about the background, I would have used spot metering on the guys and just blown the background (like you have).
I didn't notice the music box at all when I was shooting. I'll have to look at PPing out.
I was about 6-8 feet away & shooting up into the band stand.
Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be content...you keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai