Accepting credit cards - how to?

Sorry for the dumb question. I've searched on 'credit', 'card', 'payment', but had no luck.
Is there a SmugMug article somewhere that details how users can accept credit cards to sell prints etc? How do users collect earnings? What portion of earnings goes to SmugMug?
I've had a regular SmugMug account for a while, and am considering upgrading to Pro.
Is there a SmugMug article somewhere that details how users can accept credit cards to sell prints etc? How do users collect earnings? What portion of earnings goes to SmugMug?
I've had a regular SmugMug account for a while, and am considering upgrading to Pro.
This text was copied from that section: So Smugmug takes the credit cards, you don't have to set that up... Info on how you get paid is a little further down on the same page.
--- Denise
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