
HELP choosing motherboard

MilnerMilner Registered Users Posts: 40 Big grins
edited April 25, 2007 in Digital Darkroom
OK I want to order my parts/new computer this week, but I am having a hard time picking a motherboard. I have the other components pretty figured out. I will be using a E6600 c2d, but want a board that will take a quad if need be at some point. Other than that my biggest thing is USB ports for all my crap, and an external SATA. (if I get an mb with eSATA, I don't need a case with an eSATA port, right??) Also plan on SATA for my optical drive. I will run 4gb for now but want the support for 8.
I assume it is better to get a board and seperate sound/video???? Or maybe sound on the MB and video on a card? (Dual monitor NO games)

So suggestions? Asus, Intel, Giga, Others????

I seems like my needs narrowed everything else down to easy choices, but I just keep running circles on the MB.



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