Going to Bermuda
Don't know where to post this exactly, but here goes... I'm a photography hobbyist that would like to expand my freelance graphic design business more into the realm of photography. I am going to Bermuda to photograph an international womens volleyball tournament for somes freind of mine on the team. I also hope to do some climbing and just take as many pictures of this beautiful place as I can. Is there any place to look for stock photography companies that are perhaps looking for a certain type of shot. And if so, how would I go about submitting something.
I also saw the journeys thread and maybe I'll post something with my trip to that as well...
Any advice would be very welcomed. Thank you in advance.
Scott Teske
SJT Desgins
I also saw the journeys thread and maybe I'll post something with my trip to that as well...

Scott Teske
SJT Desgins
Hint, look up one forum ("Location, location, location").