Simple signature link question

I've never had a problem doing this in any other forum, but for some reason I just can't figure it out here.
All I'm trying to do is put a link to my site in my signature. I want the link to simply say "Fine Image Photography" (without the quotation marks) and point to my site address which is
What in the heck is the code I'm supposed to use? :dunno I thought it was <a href="site address here">Fine Image Photography</a> but that doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?
All I'm trying to do is put a link to my site in my signature. I want the link to simply say "Fine Image Photography" (without the quotation marks) and point to my site address which is
What in the heck is the code I'm supposed to use? :dunno I thought it was <a href="site address here">Fine Image Photography</a> but that doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?
My site:Fine Image Photography