No PSCS3 for education?

Does anybody know if Adobe is releasing an education version of PSCS3? I know they have the education CS3 Extended version, but I don't need all the other added bits. Plus it would cost me more to upgrade in the years ahead. :dunno
I just got off the phone with the Apple representative for the NYCDOE and was asking him this very thing. His response was that the extended is the version to order if one is trying to just get CS3 - even though as you point out it includes more than just CS3.
I probably didnt answer your question but i was in the mood to reply..
I checked there BB, but didn't see it. Do you have a link??
Me thinks this is cunning Adobe plan to lock educators into costlier upgrade path....:cry
Could be. Another option would be to buy the CS2 education version (or full version-- still available for $300 US in many places or with a Wacom tablet coupon) and get the $200 upgrade to CS3? Yeah, that's 500-bucks, but still cheaper than buying CS3 alone, I think. Okay, okay, that's not really as cheap as a $300 education version...
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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I probably misunderstood what you are looking for based on my own needs and knowledge of Adobe products. I assumed you were referring to the standard vs. extended suite (as in "C"reative "S"uite "3"). Adobe makes it confusing, don't they?
Now I know there is a standard and extended standalone photoshop...
FWIW...The feedback I got indicated that the only "full" version for edu is the "extended" one. So I just went out and got it...:D
When I was working for a local University and wanted PSCS...I looked at the educational versions and decided to purchase a "full" version from
ACADEMIC SUPERSTORE ....It was cheaper than the other stores "educational" versions (which were not FULL versions)....sounds like the extended version is a full version of academic superstore it is only 289 and change.....if you have any type of school can purchase from don't have to be a student or teacher....any support staff can also order at their great prices.
Good luck
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange