Is the system funky tonight?
I see my thumbnailson the left hand side in my photo galleries, but I can't get a larger picture to the right when I click on the thumbnail. I did nothing to change settings or software. Any ideas?
Just Got an e-mail from a person looking to buy photo but they told me they would like to see it larger 1st, I looked and no med. size photo on the right side of any Gallerys.
Please help.
Thanks, Brian.
Can you try a couple of things to see if it will help?
First, make sure you have the latest version of java installed.
Java can be downloaded here:
For Firefox:
For Internet Explorer:
Also, can you please clear your cache and delete your browser cookies to see if that resolves the issue?
For Internet Explorer 7:
1. From the *|Tools|* menu, select *|Internet Options... |*.
2. Choose the *|General|* tab.
3. Under *|Browsing history|*, click *|Delete... |*.
4. Next to "Temporary Internet Files", click *|Delete files... |*.
5. Next to "Cookies", click *|Delete cookies... |*.
5. Click *|Close|*, and then click *|OK|* to exit.
Clearing cache for Internet Explorer 6:
1. From the *|Tools|* menu, select *|Internet Options... |*.
2. Choose the *|General|* tab.
3. In the "Temporary Internet Files" section, click *|Delete
Files... |*.
4. To confirm the deletion, click *|OK|*.
5. In the |Internet Options| dialog box, click *|OK|*.
Clearing cookies for Internet Explorer:
1. Within IE, go to *Tools | Internet Options*.
2. Click *Delete Cookies*.
3. Click *OK*.
Clearing cache for Firefox 2:
From the *|Tools|* menu, select *|Clear Private Data|*, and then choose *|Cache|*.
Clearing cookies for Firefox 2:
1. Open Firefox and go to * Tools | Options*.
2. Click *Privacy*.
3. Click the "Show Cookies" button and then click the *Remove All
Cookies* button.
Let us know if you continue to have the problem.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Pepole that want to view my photos must they have to try all of this to work for them?
Didn't do anything but now The Med. size photos are back again.
I did what Barb recommended and I am back to normal. I deleted all temporary internet files and upadated to the latest version of java script. I can't tell you which one worked, as I did both at the same time.
Thanks for your help. I have medium, large and original available to me now.
So I did it to IE7, a browser I never use and bingo.. It's all back to normal. :S
Checked with IE (which I rarely use): I didn't have to do anything and everything is fine.
Do want us to switch to IE ...?
I encountered the same problem: no images to the right side anymore and a missing page selector.
I just cleared the temporary internet files in IE7 and all is fine again.
Thanks bunches!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I see a pending java update on the tool bar. I will apply it and clear the cache and see if it changes anything.
in smugmug style, my flyouts on larger pic is missing!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
did all, flyout back, BUT....!
i click on PHOTO INFO in flyout and nada, boopkis, no info, no nuttin'!
SAME behavior in FF
this goes for ALL sets
Good Morning All!
My site is
In my photo galleries I normally have the thumbnails on the left and the larger photo on the right with description.
Somehow, the photo on the right is no longer there. The description is but that's about it. Even the comments link is missing.
Any thoughts as to how I can fix this?
Thank you much! I appreciate it!
All my best,
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I did have a Java update pending so I installed that. Rebooted PC. Cleared cache in both IE and FF before loading site. Nada. Now I cannot get logged in. Cleared cache again, closed browsers. Reloaded site. Still not able to see large or log in. I did this several times and rebooted PC again. Loaded FF, cleared cache, went to site, no larges on right. Still not logging in on homepage. But, when I go into a gallery I am logged in. If I back up through the breadcrumbs to my homepage I stay logged in. Weird.
So I am logged in at this point but larges still do not show on right inside of gallery.
I have repeatedly done shift reload, clear cache, and restart browser in the correct order on both IE and FF.
This is most likely java related but I am at a loss as to what the fix is. The larges stopped working suddenly yesterday and stll does not work this morning after the java update and others appear to be having similar problems.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
i had the same problem this morning. pictures appeared on the left side but no big pic on the right, and clicking on the small pics on the left achieved nothing . but found this thread and followed the instructions for deleting the cache and cookies in my firefox browser and everything is now working as it should.:ivar:D
here is problem:
if you look at the set called JACK VALENTI OBIT
you will see the filename I assigned
Jack Valenti1574.JPG
in your photo info flyout it reads:
Jack Valenti1580.JPG
most odd.....
SCRATCH THAT - its a probem on MY end... sorry... have to look into
this - EDIT: found the problem - its how i was using photo mechanic
and in what order i was applying captions..... and appplying filenames
not smugmugs doing......
I didn't do anything but my site seems to be working fine now.