Unable to remove a gallery and what happened to my customization code?
Greetings Everyone,
Two quick questions.
1. How do you remove a gallery? I have a gallery w/one pic that I want to remove but the remove gallery option does not show in the gallery tools? Any suggestions.
2. A few months ago, when I first set up my wife's site (aileens), I added boat-loads of customization stuff, html, javascript, css, slide shows, etc. I just looked at the control panel > customization settings and found that all the customizations sections were blank. Where's all that code I entered? Is it gone or am I just looking in the wrong place?
I'm pretty sure I made backup copies, but as it stands, if I had to make a change I'd be hurting.
Two quick questions.
1. How do you remove a gallery? I have a gallery w/one pic that I want to remove but the remove gallery option does not show in the gallery tools? Any suggestions.
2. A few months ago, when I first set up my wife's site (aileens), I added boat-loads of customization stuff, html, javascript, css, slide shows, etc. I just looked at the control panel > customization settings and found that all the customizations sections were blank. Where's all that code I entered? Is it gone or am I just looking in the wrong place?
I'm pretty sure I made backup copies, but as it stands, if I had to make a change I'd be hurting.
It's sounds like you are logging in as a guest. As a guest you can't delete galleries or have access to customization. Double check to make sure you are logging in as the user.
If you forgot your password, go here: https://www.smugmug.com/help/resetpass.mg
Thanks for the replay. Yep, that's the site and yes, I was logged in correctly. I tried logging in/out and different browsers IE/Firefox.
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The "guest photos" statement is easy to overlook. IMO, you should find a way make guest login more obvious.
How about on the interim login page you display:
You've logged in!
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