Hi all,
Haven't posted in awhile - been busy moving.
Here are a few shots of the ANZAC day march in Adelaide. They're getting older now, but still march with pride. ANZAC day is a very big day in Oz. Hundreds of thousands of people around the country get up to attend a dawn service. After that there is the 'gunners breakfast' (bacon and eggs with coffee or tea (the tea/coffee usually has a nip or two of rum or brandy!)
At about 9 am there are marches through the streets. What a great day!!
This verse from Laurance Binyon's "The Fallen" is read at the dawn service and is one of the most moving things I've heard. After this a lone bugler plays "The last post"
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we forget
Haven't posted in awhile - been busy moving.
Here are a few shots of the ANZAC day march in Adelaide. They're getting older now, but still march with pride. ANZAC day is a very big day in Oz. Hundreds of thousands of people around the country get up to attend a dawn service. After that there is the 'gunners breakfast' (bacon and eggs with coffee or tea (the tea/coffee usually has a nip or two of rum or brandy!)
At about 9 am there are marches through the streets. What a great day!!
This verse from Laurance Binyon's "The Fallen" is read at the dawn service and is one of the most moving things I've heard. After this a lone bugler plays "The last post"
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we forget
Great shots chris. Love that last one.
bsvirginian. It is amazing that we rarely get protesters at the marches. I think that ANZAC day is a day is such a strong part of the Australian psyche, that protesters leave it alone - mainly. I'm not saying that protesters don't have a right to protest, I believe they do, but ANZAC day is so deeply seated as a day of remembrance, not protest, that the backlash created would not set the protesters in good light.
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D