Bulk order discounts? How are you providing discounts?

Brief background, I am actively shooting photo for the local high school, several parents have ordered photos, not large, I have been approved by two parents looking to order large numbers of photos (100+), and asking if any discounts are available.
I have searched the board and found that SmugMug does not offer the ability to give bulk discounts at this time. I read where Andy is working on this but does not have a time table to make this a reality.
So my question to the board is what are some of you doing for discounts?
I am thinking about a rebate / refund to the users for orders over x pictures.
Before I step out and make a statement I wanted to get feedback from others that have been doing this longer then I have.
Any feedback is welcomed.
my site: www.RoyPeekPhotos.com
Thank you in advance for the advise and suggestions.
I have searched the board and found that SmugMug does not offer the ability to give bulk discounts at this time. I read where Andy is working on this but does not have a time table to make this a reality.
So my question to the board is what are some of you doing for discounts?
I am thinking about a rebate / refund to the users for orders over x pictures.
Before I step out and make a statement I wanted to get feedback from others that have been doing this longer then I have.
Any feedback is welcomed.
my site: www.RoyPeekPhotos.com
Thank you in advance for the advise and suggestions.
I feel your pain, trust me. This has came up for me with package's and bulk orders several times. For me what has worked the best at this point has been taking the orders and payment myself, ordering the photos, then delivering them myself after checking the orders. This add's an awful lot of work though. You could also create another gallery for that client with lower prices that match the discount and hope they follow through with ordering as many prints as they said. Or giving them the refund like you had already thought of. The rebate method would be the easiest but not everyone goes for that because of the stigma rebates have at this point. Don't worry, no one lets Andy forget that this is a needed option.
Thanks for the options, I am going to see if any other ideas show up this afternoon and if not, I will contact the customer about the refund after the order.
Thanks again for you reply.
Dragon, can you point us in the direction of the threads where this has been visited before?
I'm also looking at providing different packaging options, and streamlining the process.
I know thats not as easy as clicking on a link but I'm a big believer in giving people the tools (you know what they say about giving a man a fish vs t eaching them to fish).
That and it has been discussed alot, linking you to every post would take forever. :dragon
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Ahh but that goes back to the teaching a man to fish. If I simply show the kung-fu no one else will learn it.
google search term:
site:dgrin.com package pricing
Works a charm! I love site:dgrin.com.
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